About Us

Australia’s leading provider of phone number samples.

We have a highly representative list database containing more than 5.7 million landline numbers and over 9.3 million mobile numbers, all with exact latitude and longitude coordinates. 

This means that we can produce samples accurately based on any geographic boundary, including: 

  • Postcode Areas / Suburbs 
  • Local Government Areas 
  • Statistical Local Areas 
  • Political/electoral boundaries 
  • Custom maps drawn to your specifications 

We can create custom geographical boundaries based on your specifications, such as records that are a specific distance from a point (eg. a certain kilometre radius from a project focus, such as a train station or hospital), or that are contained within a custom map provided by the client. 

Many of our records have age and gender information appended to them, helping you to target the demographics and audience you need. 

Our team are highly experienced with geospatial data and custom maps, and are happy to assist you to target the perfect respondents. We work with clients to produce samples from provided KML files (or similar geospatial data files), saving our clients labour in breaking the sampling area down manually to approximate it with suburbs / postcodes, and providing a more precise sample. 

Prior to sending samples to our clients, we can verify that every number is alive so you can be sure that each phone call you make has the highest possible chance of connecting you to the audience you need. 

We understand that the market research industry moves at great pace, with projects going from a tender offer to needing to be in the field within a couple of hours. This is why we work at great pace to get you the things you need as quickly as possible, so as your research can be completed in short time frames. 

Sample Pages is part of The Red Fox Group, an analytics company which helps organisations use their data, see their data and make better decisions based on their data.