Grow your contact lists, win more support for your campaign: How SamplePages can help your campaign succeed

In the ever-evolving landscape of advocacy, the ability to connect with a diverse and widespread audience is crucial for success. One of the game-changing tools that SamplePages offer is targeted contact lists. Having the right contact lists, tailored to your campaign goals, will amplify your impact as an advocacy organisation, and help you to win more support for your campaign.

The problem:

Advocacy organisations often grapple with the challenge of reaching and engaging their target audience efficiently.

The solution

This is where our specialised contact lists come into play. By offering lists based on specific criteria such as age, gender, location, or breakdowns via Census data, we empower advocacy groups to tailor their outreach strategies with precision.

SamplePages’ contact lists include everything from phone numbers, email addresses and full address details, providing you with multiple outreach methods.

 Census data for detailed targeting:

We can use questions asked on the Census to narrow down where the highest proportion of your ideal respondents are located, and provide contact lists accordingly.

 Demographic Targeting:

Imagine being able to tailor your message to resonate with a particular audience demographic. Whether it’s rallying the youth for a climate change initiative or engaging seniors in healthcare advocacy, our age and gender-based contact lists allow organisations to connect with the right demographic.

 Location Targeting:

Our location-specific contact lists empower organisations to mobilise local communities effectively. Whether it’s a city-wide initiative or a campaign aimed at a specific region, these lists ensure that the message reaches those who can make a direct impact.

Saved Time and Resources:

In the fast-paced world of advocacy, time is of the essence. Our contact lists eliminate the need for exhaustive manual outreach efforts, allowing you to focus your resources on strategic planning and impactful advocacy work. This efficiency translates to a more streamlined and effective campaign process.

 SamplePages takes pride in being a catalyst for positive change by providing advocacy organisations with the tools they need to connect with the right audience. Our targeted contact lists are not just a means to expand outreach; they are a pathway to success for those dedicated to making a difference. 

Get in touch with our team at to find out more.