List Phone Numbers

SamplePages is Australia’s leading provider of phone number samples. We have a highly representative list database containing more than 5.7 million landline numbers and over 9.3 million mobile numbers, all with exact latitude and longitude coordinates. This means that we can produce samples accurately based on any geographic boundary, including: 

  • Postcode Areas / Suburbs 
  • Local Government Areas 
  • Statistical Local Areas 
  • Political/electoral boundaries 
  • Custom maps drawn to your specifications 

Many of our records have age and gender information appended to them, helping you to better target the demographics and audience you need. 

Prior to sending samples to our clients, we can verify that every number is live so you can verify your sample before making your calls, reducing your costs and any wasted time during polling.   can be sure that each phone call you make has the highest possible chance of connecting you to the audience you need. 

We understand the fast-paced environment of the market research industry, which is why fast-delivery times are a core value of our company.  moves at a great pace, working at great pace to get you the things you need quickly, so as your research can be completed in short time frames. 

SamplePages is one of Australia’s premier phone databases. Our list is updated monthly to ensure the data is up-to-date. We solely license this list.

 Our list is built from contributions by many organisations, and is now one of Australia’s premier phone databases. These organisations include, charities, telemarketing companies and other business entities. We license this list for the purpose of social and market research.

The list is further enhanced with extra information and confirmed with other third-party transaction phone databases to confirm the quality of the data. Our list is updated monthly to ensure the data is up to date.