G-NAF (Geocoded national address file)

The G-NAF is the geocoded address database for Australian businesses and governments. It’s the trusted source of geocoded address data for Australia with over 50 million contributed addresses distilled into 15.4 million G-NAF addresses. It is built and maintained by Geoscape Australia using independently examined and validated government data.  

With more than 15 million Australian physical address records, G-NAF is one of the most ubiquitous and powerful spatial datasets. The GNAF includes an identifier code known as the G-NAF-PID which Is unique across all addresses In Australia. The G-NAF does not contain personal information or details relating to individuals. 

Having a unique address identifier for all records within the SamplePages Database now enables the SamplePages team to more easily sample by dwelling/house/unique address. In the past this has been possible but only through clients delivering us addresses which we can then append records onto. 

This means that clients can specify a maximum number of records per dwelling should, or if there is a top-up sample to a previous order, ensure that their top-up order respondents are from dwellings which have not yet been contacted. 

This addition will greatly assist with projects that have dwelling-specific quotas or restrictions such as “we need to talk to 15 unique house holds In this area” or “we need to talk to people who live In apartments only”

n the past we have only had the ability to export a final sample file with the co-ordinates and street name of the respondent. An important upgrade to the SamplePages database’s licensing agreements now means that we can export final samples with the full street address of the respondent. 

Full address

Some of our clients have found great success in improving response rates through conducting a mail out of notice to the home of the survey respondent flagging with them that they have the opportunity to have their voice heard on matters affecting their local community in an upcoming market research interview call. 

Formerly the ability to conduct a mailout prior to a market research project was only possible if our clients were to deliver a list of street addresses which we append data onto. Whereas now any sample can now be exported with full address details to conduct a pre-survey mailout.